New Mexico Traffic Ticket Explained
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66-7-301. Speed regulation
- No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than:
- fifteen miles per hour on all highways when passing a school while children are going to or leaving school and when the school zone is properly posted;
- thirty miles per hour in a business or residence district;
- seventy-five miles per noun and
- the posted speed limit in construction zones posted as double fine zones or other safety zones posted as double fine zones as designated by the [state] highway and transportation department provided that the posted speed limit shall be determined by an engineering study performed by the state highway and transportation department.
- In every event, speed shall be so controlled by the driver as may be necessary:
- to avoid colliding with a person, vehicle or other conveyance on or entering the highway;
- to comply with legal requirements as may be established by the state highway and transportation department or the New Mexico state police division of the department of public safety and the duty of all persons to use due care; and
- to protect workers in construction zones posted as double fine zones or other safety zones posted as double fine zones as designated by the [state] highway and transportation department
- The speed limits set forth in Subsection A of this section may be altered as authorized in Section 66-7-303 NMSA 1978.
Construction Zone 66-7-301. Speed regulation
A. No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than:
(4) the posted speed limit in construction zones posted as double fine zones or other safety zones posted as double fine zones as designated by the [state] highway and transportation department, provided that the posted speed limit shall be determined by an engineering study performed by the state highway and transportation department
66-8-116. Penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule ot assessments
D. The penalty assessment for speeding in violation of Paragraph (4) of Subsection A of Section 667-301 NMSA 1978 (Construction Zone) is twice the penalty assessment established in Subsection A of this section for the equivalent miles per hour over the speed limit.
66-5-205. Vehicle must be insured or owner must have evidence of financial responsibility; penalties
- No owner shall permit the operation of an uninsured motor vehicle, or a motor vehicle for which evidence of financial responsibility as was affirmed to the department is not currently valid, upon the streets or highways of New Mexico unless the vehicle is specifically exempted from the provisions of the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act.
- No person shall drive an uninsured motor vehicle, or a motor vehicle for which evidence of financial responsibility as was affirmed to the department is not currently valid, upon the streets or highways of New Mexico unless he is specifically exempted from the provisions of the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act.
- For the purposes of the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act, “uninsured motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle for which a motor vehicle insurance policy meeting the requirements of the laws of New Mexico and of the secretary is not in effect or a surety bond or evidence of a sufficient cash deposit with the state treasurer.
- The provisions of the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act requiring the deposit of evidence of financial responsibility as provided in Section 66-5-218 NMSA 1978, subject to certain exemptions, may apply with respect to persons who have been convicted of or forfeited bail for certain offenses under motor vehicle laws or who have failed to pay judgments or written settlement agreements upon causes of action arising out of ownership, maintenance or use of vehicles of a type subject to registration under the laws of New Mexico.
- Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be sentenced to a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300).
Rural Highway 66-7-302.2. Certain speeding convictions to be disregarded in the development or application of a point system
- Except as provided in Subsection B of this section, in developing and applying a point system that is used as a basis for suspension or revocation of driving privileges, the division shall not assign points for convictions for speeding on rural highways of the state. As used in this section, "rural highway" means that part of a highway that is located at least two miles outside of the boundaries of an incorporated city, town or village. The two-mile distance shall be measured:
- from the point where the highway crosses the boundary, and if there is more than one such intersection, from the intersection most distant from the geographic center of the city, town or village; or
- if there are milepost markers on the highway, to the first milepost marker indicating two or more miles.
- The provisions of this section do not apply to:
- rural highways in Bernalillo county;
- a conviction for speeding if the citation out of which the conviction arises indicated that excesive speed of the motorist cited was a factor in the accident; or
- motor vehicles weighing twelve thousand pounds or more.
66-7-372. Safety belt use required; exception
- Except as provided by Section 66-7-369 NMSA 1978 and in Subsection B of this section, each occupant of a motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight of ten thousand pounds or less manufactured with safety belts in compliance with federal motor vehicle safety standard number 208 shall have a safety belt properly fastened about his body at all times when the vehicle is in motion on any street or highway.
- This section shall not apply to an occupant of a motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight of ten thousand pounds or less who possesses a written statement from a licensed physician that he is unable for medical reasons to wear a safety belt or to a rural letter carrier of the United States postal service while performing the duties of a rural letter carrier.
If this box is checked you have been charged with violating the state statute listed.
If this box is checked you have been charged with violating the city. town or village ordinance listed.
If this circle is selected, you must have admitted your guilt and MUST pay the penalty assessment amount indicated. It is extremely difficult to contest the citation once you have admitted guilt.
See Vigil vs. New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division, 2006-NMCA-057
If this circle is selected you have a scheduled appearance for a Traffic Arraignment at either the Albuquerque Metro Court or a Municipal Court in the City, Town or Village you were cited in. You must appear on the date and at the time listed. You have not admitted guilt and may still be able to avoid fines, points and conviction.
If this circle is selected you must appear to schedule a court date at the designated Traffic Court Before or On the date and time listed. You have not admitted guilt and may still be able to avoid fines, points and conviction.
If this circle is selected, you have agreed that a violation has occurred, but have received only a warning. No further action is necessary.