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New Mexico Driver’s License Point System

Worried about NM Points on your License?

Suspension of Driver’s License If you have been ticketed in New Mexico and are worried about points accumulating on your record, call 505.877.8787 today for a no cost consultation. The best way to keep points off your record and your insurance rates low is by hiring an experienced and expert New Mexico Traffic Ticket Attorney to fight your citation. Glenn Smith Valdez has represented drivers statewide for over 18 years. He and his team are ready to help you keep your insurance rates low, keep points off your record, and keep you on the road.

New Mexico Point System – Suspension of Driver’s License at 7 to 10 Points:

If you have been assessed 7 to 10 points within a 12 month period and a municipal or magistrate judge recommends to the state that your driver’s license be suspended for up to 3 months, the State will automatically suspend your license for the recommended period of time up to the maximum 3 months. If a judge recommends that your license be suspended, but fails to set a time period, the state will suspend your license for the maximum 3 month period. The state has the obligation to notify you of the suspension of your license and of the beginning and ending dates of your suspension.

New Mexico Point System – Suspension At 12 Points:

If you are assessed 12 or more points within a 12 month period, the state will suspend your license for a 12 month period. The state must send you notice of the suspension, including the beginning date of the suspension and must notify you of your right to a hearing regarding the suspension.

You are required to surrender your license to the Department of Taxation and Revenue immediately after receiving notice unless you request a hearing regarding the suspension. If you request a hearing and are unsuccessful, you must surrender your license immediately following the decision.

New Mexico Point System – Assessment and Removal of Points for Violations of Traffic Laws:

Points are assessed for violations of New Mexico traffic laws or for violations of the traffic laws of other states. The schedule of points is available here. Violations occurring in other states are assessed against your New Mexico license based on the New Mexico schedule, not the schedule of the other state, so if the violation carries no points in the other state but 3 points in New Mexico, a New Mexico Driver will be assessed 3 points.

The convicting court is responsible for notifying the state of convictions that require the assessment of points.

Points must be assessed regardless of the jurisdiction of the roadway the violation occurred upon, whether it was a state, county, or municipal road or other traffic way.

The State of New Mexico must keep a record of points for a period of one year from the date of violation.

Points are automatically removed from your record 12 full months after the violation. For instance if your violation occurred on January 15, 2014, the points will be removed on February 1st, 2015.

New Mexico Point System – Hearings:

Hearings are conducted by hearing officers designated by the director of the Motor Vehicle Division. The hearings may be continued by the hearing officer either at their own discretion, or at your request if you demonstrate good cause.

The hearing officer must make a complete record of your hearing. The hearing officer may, but is not required to announce the decision at the conclusion of the hearing, or may take up to 20 days to you in writing of the decision. If the Hearing Office upholds the suspension, you will be informed of your right to appeal as well as the requirements for appeal.

If you fail to appear at the hearing, that is grounds to uphold the suspension.

Reinstatement of Suspended License – Conditions:

Your license cannot be reinstated until you meet the conditions specified by law for reinstatement.

First, you must complete a driver improvement course approved by the traffic safety bureau of the state highway and transportation department. The course must have been completed within the 90 days prior to your application for reinstatement.

Second, you must resubmit to and pass both the written driver’s examination as well as the vision test. Both of these tests will be given by the Motor Vehicle Division.

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