Albuquerque Metro Court Traffic Tickets
If you are an out of state driver with a traffic ticket or other traffic violation in Albuquerque call Glenn Smith Valdez and his team today at 505.877.8787. Or if you are an Albuquerque resident with a traffic violation and don’t have time to appear in Metro Court and want great results from an experienced Albuquerque traffic lawyer, Glenn Smith Valdez and his team are ready to help.
If you have received a speeding ticket or other traffic citation in Albuquerque, you will be ordered to appear in Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, or Albuquerque Metro Court as it is popularly known. Albuquerque Metro Court handles all misdemeanor and traffic violations for Albuquerque and the surrounding area. Glenn Smith Valdez has successfully defended cases in the Albuquerque Metro Court for over 18 years, with the majority of clients he has represented receiving dismissals. Whether it is a simple speeding ticket, a more serious traffic charge like reckless driving or careless driving, if you’re charged in Albuquerque Metro Court, Glenn Smith Valdez and his team should be your first and only call at 505.877.8787.
Get an Experienced Attorney for Your Metro Court CaseGlenn Smith Valdez is an experienced trial litigator who is well respected by his colleagues, judges and especially his clients. With his years of experience he has earned the respect of law enforcement, who know he is honest, tough and always ready to work hard for his clients. This translates into great success in his traffic law practice, with officers often willing to work out great deals for minor offenses. Outright dismissals, dismissals after 90 days without tickets, or dismissals after driver improvement classes are some of the results he has gotten for his traffic cases in Albuquerque Metro Court. (If you want to see what he has accomplished for his clients in more serious cases, Look Here)
We Appear for You at ArraignmentWhen you are charged with a traffic violation in Albuquerque, you will be ordered to appear in Metro Court for a traffic arraignment. Those arraignments are handled by the staff and attorneys of the Albuquerque City Attorney’s Office, the Officer who ticketed you will not appear for the arraignment. Mr. Valdez can appear on your behalf at this hearing, without the need for you to appear. He will file the appropriate paperwork for your waiver and he will appear personally for you. He is familiar with the City Attorney’s staff and can often succeed by negotiating with them to have your ticket dismissed at the arraignment.
We Get the Best ResultsOccasionally, he will call you from the arraignment and ask if you want to resolve the case with a deferred sentence. A deferred sentence is a great way to keep your driving record clean. If you agree to accept a deferred sentence he has negotiated for you, he will let the City Attorney know and they will draft the paperwork, outlining the terms, which is usually a No Contest plea, a 90 day unsupervised probationary period without any additional traffic tickets and the payment of about $86 in court costs. Mr Valdez will appear before the Judge on your behalf and enter the no contest plea. Once you have completed the requirements, Glenn and his team will draft a Motion and Order to dismiss the case, and, as soon as it is signed by the judge and filed with the Court, send a copy to you for your records.
We Appear for you at TrialOccasionally, the plea offered by the Albuquerque City Attorney’s office isn’t acceptable. In those cases, Mr. Valdez will enter a plea of not guilty on your behalf and schedule the case for trial. When your traffic ticket case is set for trial in Albuquerque Metro Court, Mr. Valdez is often able to waive your appearance and appear on your behalf. At a Metro Court traffic ticket trial, the officer is required to appear. If the Officer fails to appear, Mr. Valdez can make a motion to have your case dismissed, if the Officer did not have a good reason for failing to appear, The Metro Court Judges will usually grant the motion and dismiss the case.
We Get Great Results at TrialIf the Officer does appear, Mr. Valdez can often get a dismissal from the Officer, negotiate a dismissal after a 90 day period without further violations, or a no contest plea and usually, a deferred sentence that results in a dismissal. He will either discuss the acceptable options with you before court or reach you by phone for your approval.
We Appear so you don’t Have toAll of these things can usually be accomplished by Mr. Valdez and his team without you ever having to appear in Metropolitan Court. if you can’t make your Albuquerque Metro Court date, call Glenn Smith Valdez and his team and he can appear for you!
Albuquerque Metro Court Warrants and License SuspensionsIf you have missed your Albuquerque Metro Court hearing or trial, you may have a Metro Court warrant or bench warrant. You are at risk of arrest and facing mandatory fees and possible license suspension. It is never too late to put a great Albuquerque Traffic Lawyer to work on your Metro Court case. If you have a Metro Court warrant, or if you have been notified that your driver’s license is suspended because of a Metro Court warrant, Call Glenn Smith Valdez today. We can file motions to cancel or quash your Metro Court Warrant, and even help you to post your bond. Once the bond is posted in Metro Court, the Warrant will be cancelled. If your driver’s license has been suspended because of the Metro Court Warrant, we will get a clearance document from the Metro Court Clerk and file it with the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division (MVD), then you simply need to pay an small reinstatement fee and your license will be cleared. We will then appear on your behalf to address the Metro Court Judge for you. We have handled countless Metro Court warrants and license suspensions on behalf of out of state drivers without them ever having to appear in Metro Court. Call us today at 505.877.8787 and we can help you resolve your Metro Court Warrant.